Do Guns Still Need Their Own Tax Agency?


The answer to the title question is “Oh Hell No!!”

BATFE was set up as “revenooers”

Withdrawal of partisan agency candidate Chipman reveals lack of need

What exactly is the logic of putting taxation for guns in with taxes for tobacco, and alcohol and explosives? This agency, which has morphed into a paramilitary armed force for what was essentially a bookkeeping job, has outlived its charter, and its usefulness. “Boot the BATF,” the battle cry of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, under our Founder Aaron Zelman is once again a serious concern. Save the huge expense, end the waste, stop the embarrassments, close shop.

The tax and armed-agent bureaucracy has become a bargaining chip in the battle for basic civil rights. Aligned against the public are its ardent supporters, from the Bradys, Giffords, Bloombergs and characters like Beto. They believe this federal leviathan should be in charge of, or at least influential, in disarming the public, confiscating weapons deemed politically incorrect, and making it increasingly difficult to peacefully keep and bear arms. Quietly, off-record, the FBI and real LEOs laugh at mismanaged BATFE with its blunders, sexist and misogynist behavior, and rent-a-cop level of professionalism. Free the firearms industry from the harassment, pettiness and ultimate waste of this bloated bureaucracy, drowning in blood and red tape.

JPFO believes the recent turbulence in attempting to name an agency head is proof BATFE has got to go. The paperwork is best left to clerks. Law enforcement—for crimes not record-keeping errors—should be handled by real peace officers, not the Keystone Kops comedy troop at BATFE with its non-stop list of gaffes, innocents murdered, laws violated and fat wasteful budgets. JPFO has documented the malfeasance of this agency in books and videos. It has since gotten worse. It doesn’t need a fix, it needs an axe.

Lafayette Firearms Store & Owner Indicted on Federal Firearms Charges

H/T AmmoLand.

If these charges are true I hope they get the book thrown at them.

LAFAYETTE, La. – -( Acting United States Attorney Alexander C. Van Hook announced that two individuals from Broussard, Louisiana, and a firearms business in Lafayette, Louisiana, have each been indicted for conspiring to deal firearms without a license, making false statements in records required to be kept by a licensed firearms dealer, and failing to file sales reports in connection with their firearms business located in Lafayette.

Jeremiah Micah Deare, 37, Sarah Elaine Fogle, 30, and Dave’s Gunshop, LLC, a business owned by Deare, have been charged in an indictment with one count of conspiracy to engage in the business of dealing in firearms without a license, two counts of making false statements with respect to records of a licensed firearms dealer, and four counts of failure to file multiple sales reports.


The indictment also seeks forfeiture of 619 firearms which were involved in the commission of these offenses.

Deare was the owner of Dave’s Gunshop, LLC (Dave’s) and the responsible party for Dave’s Federal Firearms License. Deare and Fogle did not hold a Federal Firearms License in their individual capacities. The indictment alleges that on or about August 13, 2019, a compliance inspection was conducted at Dave’s by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Dave’s, through Deare, was warned for numerous violations, including failing to complete an ATF-4473 (1 time), failing to accurately keep acquisition and disposition records for dispositions (67 times), failing to accurately keep acquisition and disposition records for acquisitions (62 times), transferring firearms without having a final response from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (2 times), inaccurate completion of ATF-4473 forms (111 times), and for missing firearms. The indictment alleges that, on that same day, the ATF investigator provided an Acknowledgement of Federal Firearms Regulations to inform Dave’s and Deare of their responsibilities as a Federal Firearms License holder. The acknowledgment was signed by Deare acknowledging that he understood he was responsible for familiarizing himself with the laws and regulations governing the operation of Dave’s.

The indictment further alleges that on September 19, 2019, Deare and Fogle attended an in-person warning conference at the ATF office in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, wherein the violations were discussed. Deare was provided the opportunity to comment on the violations and articulate the corrective actions that would be taken to ensure that future violations would not occur.

The indictment also alleges that Deare and Fogle willfully engaged in the business of dealing in firearms without a license by buying and selling firearms without complying with the recordkeeping and background check requirements required by federal law. Deare and Fogle acquired large quantities of firearms and ammunition from estate sales and other means but would not document the firearms in Dave’s Acquisition & Disposition Book as required by federal law. In addition, firearms brought to Dave’s to be sold on consignment were not logged into Dave’s Acquisition & Disposition Book and were not placed for sale at Dave’s.

It is also alleged that Deare and Fogle kept firearms at their residence without logging them out of Dave’s store inventory and would travel with the firearms to gun shows conducted at various locations in Louisiana and in other states. Deare and Fogle sold firearms at gun shows to non-Louisiana residents for which no ATF-4473 or background checks were ever completed. Their failure to conduct background checks resulted in the sales of firearms to prohibited persons, including convicted felons. Additionally, the sales of firearms at gun shows outside the State of Louisiana were not done through a dealer licensed in the state where the gun show was conducted as required by law. The proceeds from the out-of-state gun sales of firearms were not included as revenue for Dave’s, but instead, Deare and Fogle used it for their own personal gain.

An indictment is merely an accusation and a defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

The ATF is conducting the investigation and Assistant U.S. Attorney David J. Ayo is prosecuting the case.

New Orleans Field Division

Guns are Used Responsibly in the United States


This is a fact the drive-by media will never report.

The most effective lie is the lie by omission. Tell part of the truth but not all of it. This propaganda technique works particularly well with an audience eager to believe the lie.

The US mass media lies to us a lot, in exactly this way: They feed us selected facts without proving their true context.

I follow the news about armed defense. I notice the things that are so consistently not said that the omissions must be deliberate. In this article, I will present the most accurate facts I can find. I list the sources where I got those facts. I give you my opinion about what those facts mean in full context. I want you to be able to make up your own mind about guns, and the media that reports on them.

Let us first look at how firearms are used ….

Shooting for fun-
The most common use of a firearm is recreation: training, practice, competition, and hunting. The industry trade group for the shooting sports is the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The NSSF estimates there will be 12 billion firearms cartridges sold in the US civilian market in 2021. That seems like a lot of ammunition at 32 million cartridges used a day for fun. From another perspective, it is only 36 cartridges per person in an entire year. New gun owners are having trouble finding enough ammunition to take classes and practice.

Guns in the US-
Ammunition lasts for decades. Firearms are equally persistent if they are maintained. We have about 434 million firearms in civilian hands. The reported numbers vary, but when people show their sources, that is the best number I’ve seen. Think about that number when someone says they are going to “round up all the guns,” and laugh at them.

Living with a gun-
About 140 million of us (42 percent) live with a gun in our home. Gun owners are everywhere and in every lifestyle. Firearms fit many purposes. Like shoes, the gun owner has to find a gun that fits her body and her intended use. Most guns are seldom if ever used and sit in storage day after day.

Citizens carry concealed-
The laws about carrying concealed vary widely from state to state. A few states only let politicians, judges and retired law enforcement officers carry a firearm in public. The majority of states require a license and charge hefty fees before ordinary citizens can carry concealed. In contrast, 21 states have constitutional carry. In those states, citizens may carry in public without a permit, though the particular details vary from state to state.

Not every adult will exercise their right to carry a gun, even when it relatively cheap to do so. A few years ago, I estimated that about 10 percent of the population would carry if we adopted permit-less carry laws. About 20 million adults already have their carry permits. Concealed carry is common rather than rare. We would know if citizens with guns were inherently dangerous given that there are such a large number of legal guns on the street. We’ll talk about their remarkable safety record in a moment.

Self-defense incidents-
Armed citizens defend themselves at home, at work, and in pubic. Government numbers vary depending on which report you read. Reports vary from a low of 500 thousand to a high of 3 million cases of armed defense each year. I use 1.5 million as the best average. These estimates on the frequency of armed defense include numerous reports from the CDC (United States Center for Disease Control). Note how infrequently the news media covers stories of citizen self-defense.

Most armed self-defense incidents end with no shots fired. Criminals avoid armed victims. Most criminals stop and run away when an armed citizen simply presents his or her gun.

As I studied it, the question of armed defense was harder to answer than I thought. Part of that confusion is that we’re not sure about the question. Was it an example of armed defense if the defender shoots but misses her attacker? Is it armed defense if the robber runs away when he merely sees that grandma has a gun? Was it the gun pointed at him, the gun in her hand, or the gun on the wall that made the robber run away from grandma? In each of these scenarios, the presence of the firearm deterred the criminal. But not all of these scenarios will be included in the reporting of “crimes prevented by an armed defender.”

Criminal assaults-
There were over 1.2 million reported cases of violent crime in the United States in 2019. Those are cases of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. 800 thousand of those violent crimes were attacks with a deadly weapon. Of all those violent crimes, only 8 percent were committed with a firearm. The rest of the time criminals used another weapon or use fists and feet. About 140 thousand of the violent crimes were violent sexual assaults. Rape makes up about 11 percent of violent crime.

You might notice that the number of self-defense incidents is slightly larger than the number of reported criminal assaults. That is because of the tendency to overreport some things and underreport others. The criminal might have intended to kick down your door, hit you, and take your purse. That crime didn’t happen when you turned around with a gun in your hand as the robber ran up to you. An incident like that might get reported as a defensive use of a firearm, but not as an actual crime. We report what happened rather than what might have happened. In addition, some crimes, especially sexual assaults, are not reported to the police.

Armed defense of sexual assault- Ordinary citizens use a firearm to stop sexual assault about 150 thousand times a year. The number may be higher because, as I said, many sexual assaults are not reported. Unfortunately, some women are raped when they are disarmed in so called “gun-free” zones. I know several of these women who have been brave enough to tell their stories. These locations were not “gun-free” when the rapist brought his gun. Even if the rapist does not have a gun, the victims were at greater risk because they were disarmed.

There were about 47 thousand suicides in 2019. Almost exactly half of them were with a firearm. (24 thousand) The rate of suicide does not appear to be correlated with restrictions on firearms.

Gun laws and regulations-
The US Bureau of Alcohol Tabaco and Firearms collects and distributes collections of our firearm laws. We have over 23 thousand firearms laws and regulations so far. We should have achieved a peaceful paradise if ink on paper stopped violent criminals from using guns. We’re always told that the next gun-control law will be the one that finally works. Criminals don’t buy their guns at gun stores or gun shows.

There were 10 thousand cases where one person killed another with a firearm. That includes all types of guns. A handgun was used 6,300 times, though more than 3000 incidents are marked as “firearm unknown”. The vast majority of these incidents are drug gangs fighting over territory. We have to look at drug prohibition if we want to reduce these murders.

Crimes of passion-
There were about 3 thousand deaths where one person not connected with a drug gang killed another person using a firearm. Most were murders rather than accidents. Most of those deaths involve drugs and alcohol in that either the attacker or the defender was intoxicated. We have to talk about recidivism and addiction if we want to reduce the number of these deaths.

Accidental deaths by a firearm-
The US CDC recorded 486 accidental deaths involving a firearm. In both adults and teens, there is often an uncertainty between an accidental death and a suicide. Accidental deaths from a firearm are extremely rare, about four accidental deaths every three days. Each death is a tragedy, but only 1-in-350 accidental deaths involved a firearm.

Lethal self-defense by honest citizens-
Citizens used a firearm to stop criminal activity about four thousand times a day. They shot and killed the criminal 344 times in the entire year of 2019, less than once a day. As already notice, 140 million families live with a gun in the home, yet only 1-in-400,000 of them legally used that firearm in lethal self-defense today. The other 399,999 guns in family homes were used for deterrence.

Lethal use of a firearm by a law enforcement officer while on duty-
Law enforcement officers shot and killed 340 criminals. That may seem like a large number but consider that there are about 700 thousand law enforcement officers in the US. I think that is the full-time equivalent number of sworn officers who have arrest powers. Only one officer in two thousand shot and killed a criminal.

Law-abidingness of law enforcement officers-
Police officers are about 37 times more law abiding than the average citizen. That is probably a conservative estimate since officers are frequently accused of breaking the law as they arrest criminal offenders.

Nonviolence of licensed concealed carry permit holder-
Where we have data, we’ve found that people with their concealed carry license are the most law abiding and non-violent segment of society we can find anywhere. Your neighbors who legally carry concealed in public are from 10 to 17 times more law abiding and nonviolent than the police. Different states give us different data, and the data is not consistent on how each violation is considered. For example, some concealed carry holders will lose their carry permit if they have a ticket for driving while intoxicated. I wish more states would record information like that.

Who makes mistakes-
Compared to the police, civilians with a gun were five times less likely to shoot innocent bystanders. That makes sense given the different goals of police and civilians. The civilian wants to get away from danger while the police officer has to move toward it and control the scene. Also, the civilian knows things the policeman doesn’t know. You know who belongs in your home at a glance. The policeman doesn’t know that and figuring it out takes some time. The claim that civilians shoot indiscriminately is propaganda fueled by TV cop shows. The reality is that your neighbors who own guns care about every shot they fire.

Resistance is essential-
Women were two-and-a-half times less likely to be injured if they resist their attacker with a firearm than if they do not resist. Men were also less likely to be injured if they resisted with a firearm, but the difference was smaller. That data describes the immediate injuries during the attack. I suspect the psychological injury due to victimization is smaller for those who resist, but I do not have reliable data to support that claim.

That is a lot of information. It tells me that gun owners are remarkably law abiding and non-violent. With surprisingly few exceptions, our gun owning neighbors act the way we want them to act. They save lives thousands of times a day because they are armed and resisted their attackers. We need more people like them. That truth doesn’t match what we see on TV dramas. We spend more time with drama than studying real life. Art imitates life, but not well enough to guide our decisions.

‘Nearly One-Third of Gun Owners Have Used Gun in Self-Defense’ Says Report

H/T AmmoLand.

This is a staggering number that will never be reported on in the drive-by media.

U.S.A. –-( A whopping 31.1 percent of gun owners—estimated to be about 25.3 million American adults—have used a gun in self-defense, according to the 2021 National Firearms Survey, by Prof. William English, PhD., at Georgetown University.

The survey was designed by Deborah Azrael of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Matthew Miller of Northeastern University, according to the Wall Street Journal. English released a draft in June and the WSJ just reported on its contents.


Ammoland obtained a copy of the 23-page report and it contains some eye-popping data. For example:

  • There are approximately 1.67 million defensive gun uses annually.
  • In most cases (81.9%) the gun is not fired.
  • Handguns are the most commonly-used firearm in defensive incidents. Shotguns follow at 21 percent and rifles at 13.1 percent.
  • Slightly more than 9 percent of gun owners carry a handgun openly or concealed “always or almost always.” Another 6.9 percent carry a handgun “often.”
  • The majority (74.8%) of defensive gun uses take place outside the home, and many (51.2%) involve more than one assailant.

That last item is important, as it bolsters the argument that the right to bear arms must apply to carry outside of the home. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case challenging the New York State permitting scheme on Wednesday, Nov. 3.

The Hill also reported on the survey, which blows some commonly-held beliefs of the gun prohibition lobby out of the water.

According to the survey, 32.5 percent of American adults age 21 and over own a firearm. That’s about one-third of the adult population or approximately 81.4 million people.

That breaks down to 57.8 percent of gun owners being men and 42.2 percent being women.

Percentage-wise, 34.3 percent of Whites are gun owners, 28.3 percent of Hispanics own firearms, 25.4 percent of blacks are gun owners and 19.4 percent of Asians own firearms.

One piece of data picked up by both the WSJ and The Hill is extremely important, and not just because both publications zeroed in on it. Since January 2019, according to The Hill, “Nearly half of all new U.S. buyers since the start of 2019 were women, according to new data, a tremendous shift in the historically male-dominated market.” This translates to an estimated 3.5 million women and 4 million men, all of whom became first-time gun owners, which is no small number of people.

Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms had this to say:

“Millions of Americans appreciate now, more than ever, the fact that our Second Amendment protects their right to own a gun. This should send a message to anti-gun politicians and the gun prohibition lobby that increasing numbers of American citizens aren’t buying the nonsense they’re selling. Instead, these good-sense citizens are buying firearms, learning to use them properly and making it clear they will not surrender their safety, and that of their neighborhoods, to an emboldened criminal element.”

CCRKBA, he said in a prepared statement, has “always encouraged new gun owners to seek good safety instruction through local gun ranges or gun clubs so they can become both competent and confident.”

Gottlieb and others, including the NRA and National Shooting Sports Foundation, all agree that women are the fastest-growing segment in the firearms community. In an era when many big city police departments are losing manpower because of politics (i.e. “defund the police”), increasing numbers of citizens are buying firearms and assuming a greater responsibility for their own safety.

As noted by English in his abstract, “A majority of gun owners (56.2%) indicate that they carry a handgun for self-defense in at least some circumstances, and about 35% of gun owners report carrying a handgun with some frequency. We estimate that approximately 20.7 million gun owners (26.3%) carry a handgun in public under a ‘concealed carry’’ regime; and 34.9% of gun owners report that there have been instances in which they had wanted to carry a handgun for self-defense, but local rules did not allow them to carry.”

The Crime Prevention Research Center, founded by economist and author John Lott, issues an annual report on the estimated number of active concealed carry licenses and permits in early October. Data from the 2020 report says 19.48 million people were licensed to carry and that number, by now, has certainly gone up.

Ammoland will update that number when it becomes available.

Data Study: 18 Months of Ammo Sales during a Pandemic, Protests, and the Biden Presidency


In our previous data study on the initial effects of the pandenmic on our business, we outlined increased sales due to the public’s growing leeriness of COVID-19, starting from February 23, 2020 when the news coverage became ominous.

That’s only part of the story, however, because over the last 18 months, we’ve experienced a particularly charged election year, BLM protests amid calls to “defund the police,” a contentious transfer of power, and most recently a surprise ban on popular Russian ammo.

These events in particular, set against the backdrop of the ongoing response to the pandemic, resulted in demand spikes. Looking at the data below, you’ll get a sense of a high level trend during the pandemic and then see how that trend changed during certain specific time periods, like the BLM protests, when already-elevated demand went up even more.

To give a pre-pandemic baseline of sorts, over the past 18 months our overall sales have increased as follows:

  • 590% increase in revenue
  • 604% increase in transactions
  • 271% increase in site traffic
  • 77% increase in conversion rate

This data is from February 23, 2020 – August 23, 2021, when compared to the previous 18 months (August 24, 2018 – February 22, 2020).

Below are tables which list the top 10 states, ordered by our total sales volume, and how they fared during these recent demand spikes when compared to the previous time period, respectively. We also listed which calibers were most popular in those top states. Here is how to interpret our data:

  • State Ranking by Sales Volume displays the total sales volume (how much was ordered in United States dollars) on a state-by-state basis in column one. Column two shows how much sales have increased percentage-wise in that particular state during the designated time period. Only states to which we sell are shown.
  • Most Popular Caliber by Sales Volume displays the most popular caliber based on sales volume in that state in column three, as well as the increase for that caliber by state during the designated time period. Columns five and seven display the second and third most popular calibers based on sales volume in that state; columns six and eight display how much the sale of those particular calibers has increased on a percentage basis.

And now without further adieu, here’s our data on the prolonged increase in demand for ammunition – and how recent events have further spiked that demand.

18 Months of Ammunition Sales During the Pandemic: State Ranking by Sales Volume

State Ranking by Sales Volume Most Popular Caliber by Sales Volume 2nd 3rd
State % Increase % Increase % Increase % Increase
1. Texas +736% 9mm Ammo +1,866% 223 Ammo +922% 5.56×45 Ammo +224%
2. Florida +586% 9mm Ammo +536% 5.56×45 Ammo +2,182% 223 Ammo +256%
3. Georgia +613% 9mm ammo +507% 5.56×45 Ammo +1,014% 223 Ammo +1,040%
4. Pennsylvania +644% 9mm Ammo +668% 5.56×45 Ammo +3,378% 223 Ammo +210%
5. Washington +775% 9mm Ammo +721% 223 ammo +642% 5.56×45 Ammo +992%
6. Arizona +765% 9mm Ammo +727% 223 Ammo +∞% 5.56×45 Ammo +2,750%
7. North Carolina +739% 9mm Ammo +1,107% 223 Ammo +∞% 45 ACP Ammo +5,034%
8. Illinois +469% 9mm Ammo +1,045% 223 Ammo +217% 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells +∞%
9. Colorado +659% 9mm Ammo +1,471% 5.56×45 Ammo +834% 380 ACP (Auto) Ammo +7,346%
10. Virginia +484% 40 S&W Ammo +53,769% 9mm Ammo +802% 5.56×45 Ammo +354%

Note: These figures compare February 23, 2020 – August 23, 2021 to the previous 18 months, August 24, 2018 – February 22, 2020. Due to city and state laws, does not ship ammunition to AlaskaHawaiiMassachusettsCalifornia, Washington, D.C., New York City, or Chicago. These jurisdictions, along with a handful of other states, have been excluded from the table above.

Demand Spike: Ammunition Sales Following the Surprise Ban on Russian Ammo in August 2021

Following the Biden Administration’s announcement banning the importation of Russian ammunition, we saw an immediate spike in sales of calibers produced in Russia. The most popular calibers of imported Russian ammunition are 7.62×39, known as “The Hammer of Lenin,” and 5.56×45, largely due to the Soviet Union’s huge legacy capacity to mass produce select rifle rounds, predominantly in steel casings.

Sales Figures for 7.62×39 Ammo

Below are the figures from August 17, 2021 – August 23, 2021, compared to the previous period, August 10, 2021 – August 16, 2021.


  • 124% increase in revenue
  • 52% increase in transactions
  • 91% increase in site traffic
State Ranking by Sales Volume of 7.62×39 Ammo
State % Increase
1. Arizona + 442%
2. Texas + 35%
3. Pennsylvania + 275%
4. Michigan + 185%
5. New Jersey + 507%
6. North Carolina + 260%
7. Florida – 49%
8. Washington + ∞%
9. Tennessee + ∞%
10. Illinois + 4%

Sales Figures for 5.56×45 Ammo

Below are the figures from August 17, 2021 – August 23, 2021, compared to the previous period, August 10, 2021 – August 16, 2021.


  • 48% increase in revenue
  • 41% increase in transactions
  • 38% increase in site traffic
State Ranking by Sales Volume of 5.56×45 Ammo
State % Increase
1. Arizona + 359%
2. Texas – 43%
3. Pennsylvania + 62%
4. Florida – 44%
5. Illinois + 465%
6. Michigan + 410%
7. Washington + 125%
8. Oregon – 1%
9. Colorado + 1,016%
10. Maryland + 87%

Note: Due to city and state laws, does not ship ammunition to AlaskaHawaiiMassachusettsCalifornia, Washington, D.C., New York City, or Chicago. These jurisdictions, along with a handful of other states, have been excluded from the table above.

Demand Spike: Ammunition Sales During the Contested Transfer of Power in January 2021

Below are the figures from January 4, 2021 – January 22, 2021, compared to the previous period, December 16, 2020 – January 3, 2021, at a nationwide level and at a state level:


  • 78% increase in revenue
  • 33% increase in transactions
  • 73% increase in site traffic
State Ranking by Sales Volume Most Popular Caliber by Sales Volume 2nd 3rd
State % Increase % Increase % Increase % Increase
1. Texas +79.37% 9mm Ammo +80% 5.56×45 Ammo +461% 223 Ammo +159%
2. Florida +86.47% 5.56×45 Ammo +330% 9mm Ammo +17% 223 Ammo +339%
3. Georgia +85.34% 5.56×45 Ammo +476% 9mm Ammo +33% 223 Ammo +482%
4. North Carolina +63.31% 9mm Ammo -23% 5.56×45 Ammo +118% 223 Ammo +378%
5. Arizona +107.65% 223 Ammo +1,941% 9mm Ammo +69% 308 Ammo +1,884%
6. Pennsylvania +68.77% 223 Ammo +212% 9mm Ammo +39% 5.56×45 Ammo +135%
7. Ohio +68.77% 5.56×45 Ammo +268% 9mm Ammo +174% 223 Ammo +346%
8. Michigan +75.60% 5.56×45 Ammo +355% 223 ammo +562% 45 ACP Ammo +176%
9. Tennessee +82.73% 5.56×45 Ammo +427% 9mm Ammo +11% 223 Ammo +695%
10. Washington +23.21% 5.56×45 Ammo +518% 223 Ammo +580% 9mm Ammo -34%

Note: Due to city and state laws, does not ship ammunition to AlaskaHawaiiMassachusettsCalifornia, Washington, D.C., New York City, or Chicago. These jurisdictions, along with a handful of other states, have been excluded from the table above.

Demand Spike: Ammunition Sales During the BLM Protests Amid Calls to “Defund the Police”

Below are the figures from May 28, 2020 – June 5, 2020, compared to the previous period, May 19, 2020 – May 27, 2020, at a nationwide level and at a state level:


  • 200% increase in revenue
  • 192% increase in transactions
  • 99% increase in site traffic
State Ranking by Sales Volume Most Popular Caliber by Sales Volume 2nd 3rd
State % Increase % Increase % Increase % Increase
1. Texas +138.80% 9mm Ammo +178% 223 Ammo +148% 40 S&W Ammo +149%
2. Florida +321.33% 9mm Ammo +351% 223 Ammo +670% 5.56×45 Ammo +110%
3. Pennsylvania +166.62% 9mm Ammo +351% 223 Ammo +160% 40 S&W Ammo +190%
4. Georgia +213.71% 9mm Ammo +319% 223 Ammo +130% 5.56×45 Ammo +106%
5. Illinois +290.28% 9mm Ammo +625% 223 Ammo +345% 7.62×39 Ammo +951%
6. Washington +121.66% 9mm Ammo +186% 223 Ammo +26% 45 ACP Ammo +129%
7. Virginia +334.86% 9mm Ammo +344% 223 Ammo +524% 5.56×45 Ammo +143%
8. Arizona +222.15% 9mm Ammo +212% 223 Ammo +410% 45 ACP Ammo +321%
9. North Carolina +218.24% 9mm Ammo +275% 223 Ammo +188% 5.56×45 Ammo +172%
10. Colorado +195.93% 9mm Ammo +199% 223 Ammo +428% 5.56×45 Ammo +143%

Note: Due to city and state laws, does not ship ammunition to AlaskaHawaiiMassachusettsCalifornia, Washington, D.C., New York City, or Chicago. These jurisdictions, along with a handful of other states, have been excluded from the table above.


The pandemic lead to a sharp increase in demand for ammunition. This increase has continued for the past 18 months. It’s been further exacerbated by a particularly charged election year, BLM protests amid calls to “defund the police”, a contentious transfer of power, and most recently a surprise ban on popular Russian ammo. If you’d like to read our analysis as to what drove the initial increase in demand for ammunition, you can find that here.

Navy Sailor Killed In Pearl Harbor To Be Laid To Rest In Wisconsin

H/T War History OnLine.

R.I.P. Fireman 1st Class Kenneth E. Doernenburg it has been a long journey to your final resting place.

A Navy sailor who lost his life during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor will be laid to rest in his hometown this weekend. Fireman 1st Class Kenneth E. Doernenburg was accounted for on March 25, 2021, thanks to work by the POW/MIA Accounting Agency, also known as the DPAA.

USS Virginia on fire and spewing smoke
Attack on Pearl Harbor, December 1941. (Photo Credit: Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division / Wikimedia Commons)

Doernenburg was assigned to the battleship USS Oklahoma, which was moored at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor. He was aboard the ship when the Japanese attacked the harbor on December 7, 1941. It quickly capsized after sustaining multiple torpedo hits, resulting in the deaths of 429 crewmen, including Doernenburg.

From December 1941 until June 1944, the Navy recovered the remains of the deceased crew of the USS Oklahoma and interred them at the Halawa and Nu’uanu Cemeteries in Hawaii.

Military portrait of Kenneth E. Doernenburg
Navy Fireman 1st Class Kenneth E. Doernenburg. (Photo Credit: DPAA)

In September 1947, members of the American Graves Registration Service (AGRS) were tasked with recovering and identifying fallen US military members in the Pacific Theater. They disinterred the remains of US casualties from both cemeteries and brought them to the Central Identification Laboratory at Schofield Barracks.

The staff was only able to identify 35 men from the USS Oklahoma. The remains of those who could not be identified were buried by the AGRS at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (NMCP), known as the Punchbowl, in Honolulu.

In October 1949, a military board classified those who could not be identified as non-recoverable.

USS Oklahoma sailing on the water
USS Oklahoma. (Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The DPAA conducted its own identification efforts between June and November 2015. It exhumed the remains of the USS Oklahoma Unknowns for analysis and was able to identify Doernenburg through the use of dental and anthropological analysis. Scientists with the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System also used Y-chromosome DNA (Y-STR) analysis to confirm the identification.

Kenneth E. Doernenburg was officially accounted for on March 25, 2021. His name is recorded on the Walls of the Missing at the Punchbowl, along with others who went missing during World War II. A rosette will be placed next to his name to indicate he has since been accounted for.

As of September 17, 2021, the Department of Defense has identified the majority of remains from the USS Oklahoma.

Front lawn of the National Cemetery of the Pacific
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. (Photo Credit: Gerald Watanabe / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)

Doernenburg was awarded a Purple Heart for his efforts during the war. He is scheduled to be buried in his hometown of Antigo, Wisconsin on September 25, 2021.

WWII Veteran Present At D-Day, and German Surrender Receives French Legion of Honor

H/T War History OnLine.

An American veteran present at D-Day, the Battle of the Bulge, and the German surrender has been awarded the French Legion of Honor. It is France’s most distinguished decoration and has historically been given to French citizens and foreign nationals who have served the country and its ideals.

Louis Graziano sitting at his desk
Graziano, 2019. (Photo Credit: Ike’s Soldiers / YouTube)

Louis Graziano received the honor on September 17, 2021 at First United Methodist Church Family Life Center in Thomson, Georgia. Hundreds of the 98-year-old’s friends and family were present at the ceremony, and gave him a standing ovation when Vincent Hommeril, consul general of France in Atlanta, presented him with the medal.

“France is what it is today, a free and sovereign country, thanks to the bravery of such veterans and thanks to America,” Hommeril said during the ceremony. “You are a true hero. Your example is an inspiration for the future and your legacy provides a moral compass for generations to come.”

The French Legion of Honor is enameled in white and suspended from a red silk ribbon. It features oak and laurel branches and a medallion representing the French Republic. It was conceived by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802. Among its best-known American recipients are Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and Douglas MacArthur.

“It’s a great thing. I appreciate them giving me that,” said Graziano in an interview prior to the ceremony.

Troops disembarking from ships and wading through water
Troops disembarking during the D-Day Invasion, June 1944. (Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images)

Louis Graziano was born in 1923 to Italian immigrant parents. He was working at his sister’s beauty parlor when he was drafted by the U.S. Army in 1943. After completing his military training at various bases, including Forts Niagara and Dix, he boarded a ship to Scotland and eventually arrived in England by train.

He took part in the D-Day landings on June 6, 1944, where he crawled over the cliffs under the rain of German gunfire. He was able to take out a machine gun using his flamethrower, and once on the other side, signaled the Navy, which took out German shooters.

In the weeks following D-Day, Graziano took part in the fighting across Normandy. Six months after, he was present at the Battle of the Bulge, with he and his captain ordered to find General George Patton‘s troops, who were needed in Bastogne. They got lost, but eventually located the soldiers. Unfortunately, Graziano experienced severe frostbite and nearly lost his feet.

He later became the utilities foreman for the 102nd Infantry Field Artillery Battalion, Special Headquarters Command in Reims. At this point, he was a master sergeant and was charged with helping rebuild and maintain the city, including the Little Red Schoolhouse, where the Germans signed their surrender documents in 1945.

Graziano is believed to be the last living witness to the German surrender, which featured representatives from Germany, Britain, Russia, and France. “They came in straight-faced,” he recalled. “They didn’t have much to smile about. I had the room set up where they were all going to sit. It didn’t take them no time to sign the papers.”

After the papers were signed, Graziano led the Germans to another room to meet with Gen. Eisenhower.

While awaiting discharge, Graziano met his future wife, Eula “Bobbie” Shaneyfelt, a staff sergeant with the Women’s Army Corps. The pair moved to Georgia, where they raised a family and built a life for themselves. Shaneyfelt passed away in 2007.

Louis Graziano wearing a suit and baseball cap
Graziano, 2020. (Photo Credit: American Veterans Center / YouTube)

Graziano has published a book about his experiences during the war, titled A Patriot’s Memoirs of World War II.

Rod Serling’s Grave

H/T Atlas Obscura.

I figured Rod Serling’s grave marker would be more elaborate.

Lakeview Cemetery
Interlaken, New York

The final resting place for the famed creator and narrator of “The Twilight Zone.” 

IN INTERLAKEN, NEW YORK’S Lakeview Cemetery you can find the surprisingly ordinary gravesite of Rod Serling, famed creator and narrator of the anthology television series The Twilight Zone, which ran for five seasons from 1959 to 1964.

Serling joined the U.S. Army after graduating high school and served in the Pacific Theater during World War II. He eventually earned the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star, and the Philippine Liberation Medal. After being discharged from the Army in 1946 Serling enrolled in college, where he developed interests in theater, writing, and broadcasting.

Serling worked in radio and television for a number of years before finding success. In 1955, a program based on one of his scripts aired on Kraft Television Theatre that earned critical acclaim. At the time, a critic for the New York Times called it “one of the high points in the TV medium’s evolution.” With the praise came a number of job offers, and eventually the creation of the series that would make Serling a household name.

The Twilight Zone premiered on CBS on October 2, 1959. In addition to presenting each episode, Serling was the creator and head writer. Each episode presented a stand-alone story in which characters found themselves in the middle of disturbing or unusual events ranging from encounters with the supernatural to science-fiction dystopias. Many had twist endings and moral lessons about the human condition. Of the many scripts Serling wrote for The Twilight Zone, his favorite was adapted from a short story about a bibliophile bank teller called “Time Enough At Last.”

Although busy making an iconic show allowing us to enter the fifth dimension, Rod also taught college courses on film criticism, writing, and drama in the late 1960s until his untimely death in 1975 at 50 years old. He died after a series of heart attacks likely caused by his smoking of multiple packs of cigarettes a day. His wife, Carolyn Louise “Carol” Kramer Serling died on January 9, 2020, at the age of 90. She was buried next to her husband.

Know Before You Go

Rodman E. Serling, lot 1044, fifth to last row from the back (about 20 feet in between little tree and big tree). GPS signal isn’t great here but you can enter these waypoints: 42.627815, -76.719521

Italian Foods They Don’t Serve In Italy


I was surprised about where Caesar salad came from.

Growing up in my Italian-American grandmother’s kitchen, I thought I knew Italian food. That was until my first of many trips to Italy, where I learned that the sumptuous family feasts enjoyed at my grandparent’s house, complete with heavy Sunday sauce, enormous meatballs, chicken Parmigiana, and tortellini stuffed with pepperoni and cheese were actually a cuisine all to themselves — Italian-American cuisine.

So which of your favorite “Italian” dishes would you be able to order in a real Italian restaurant, and which would get you nothing more than some raised Italian eyebrows? Read on to discover!

Pepperoni pizza
Once considered a pauper’s food in Italy, pizza was brought to the shores of America by Italian immigrants. Businesses developed pizza recipes designed to replicate Italian flavors cheaply and quickly for the new wave of factory workers in cities like New Haven, Boston, Chicago, and New York. The famed Lombardi’s in NYC still churns out Neopolitan-style pies today.

While pizza certainly does continue to exist in Italy, it’s not quite the Americanized version we enjoy here in the States. Pizza in Italy is a simpler affair that’s lighter on the cheese and toppings. Italian pizza is served in convenience markets and bars, and is meant to be a quick snack. The best pizza I enjoyed in Italy was in the city of Lucca, in Tuscany. The only topping choices were cheese, sauce, basil, potatoes, and anchovies. The pizzaiola was kind enough to slice some fresh spicy salami from the deli counter to top the pizza with for his “new American friends.” Pepperoni, which is an American invention, was nowhere to be found. Besides, if you did request it, you’d likely get Italian peperoni — which is bell peppers.

Lobster fra diavolo
Lobster fra diavolo, while quite a treat, can be a mess to eat. In the classic recipe, a whole lobster, cooked in its shell, is served over spaghetti and topped with tomato sauce. Cracking lobster shells while dealing with hands covered in sauce makes it a meal that certainly requires a bib. Yet this decadent dish has long enjoyed popularity on the menus of Italian-American restaurants like the original Patsy’s in Manhattan, a favorite spot of many celebs.

Like many Italian-American recipes, the origins of lobster fra diavolo are a bit murky. Cookbook author Anna Teresa Callen, told The New York Times, “It’s not an Italian dish. It’s really another Italian-American invention. I have never seen it in Italy, and I suspect that it came from Long Island.”

Wherever it may be from, the dish is still popular in many American restaurants. So go ahead and mangia… but don’t forget to ask for extra napkins.

Chicken and veal Parmigiana
When it comes to true, Italian-American cooking, it doesn’t get more classic than a saucy and cheesy chicken or veal parmigiana. Did you think this dish was as authentically Italian as you could get? Guess again!

While you can enjoy eggplant Parmigiana, or “mellenzana alla Parmigiana” on your Italian getaway, chicken or veal Parmigiana will definitely not be on the menu. It turns out the two popular dishes are American inventions, inspired by the Italian eggplant dish, that were perhaps tweaked to include the meat that newly arrived Italian-American immigrants could now afford.

Italian flag cookies
Some people call them Italian flag cookies, others call them rainbow cookies or seven layer cookies. At my house we always called them marzipan cookies, for the distinctive flavor they get from the almond paste. Italian flag cookies are really not cookies at all, but sponge cake, layered with jam, dipped in chocolate, and cut into bite-sized morsels. Whatever you call them, we can all agree on one thing — they don’t actually come from Italy.

According to Italian cooking master and cooking show host, Lidia Bastianich, “There are many traditional Italian almond paste cookies, but rainbow cookies seem to have been created in America by Italian-American immigrants to honor the colors of the Italian flag. You can find them in Italian bakeries year-round, but they are especially popular at Christmastime.”

Cioppino, a deliciously spicy fish stew, has an incredibly Italian sounding name, but is not from Italy at all.

San Francisco is said to be the original home of cioppino. Italian immigrant fishermen created it from the day’s catch, mixing the assortment of seafood with tinned tomatoes, wine and few spices they would carry while at sea. The origin of the name, cioppino, is debatable, with some believing it to be a Ligurian word which means “to chop,” while others say it is derived from the word “il ciuppin” which means “little soup.” Still, others claim that the name was an Italian hybrid of the English words “chip in,” since the fishermen from various boats would all chip in the scraps of their day’s catch to make one giant communal stew to share.

Cioppino is still popular in Californian restaurants, where it might be made with fish, shellfish, or a mixture of both. If you have access to good, fresh fish, it’s a pretty easy recipe to whip up yourself.

Muffuletta sandwiches may be stuffed with big Italian flavors like salami, Italian ham, provolone cheese, and olive salad, but the origins of the sandwich are firmly planted in America.

Invented in 1906 at the New Orleans Italian Market, the owner of the Central Grocery Company, Lupo Salvatore, created the sandwich so the local working men could manage an easier midday meal than their typical request of separate portions of meat, cheese, bread, and salad. The sandwich grew in popularity, becoming an iconic food of the colorful city. Muffuletta sandwiches can still be found throughout New Orleans, and you can even enjoy one at the still standing Central Grocery Company, whose sign boasts “The Original Muffuletta.”

Spaghetti and meatballs
Hard to believe, isn’t it? The quintessential Italian meal we all grew up loving is in fact, not Italian at all. But how can that be, you ask?

They do eat meatballs in Italy, but they’re not the large, tightly packed balls of meat we enjoy in America. Italian meatballs, or polpettes, can be made with any meat or fish, and are typically eaten alone, without a heavy sauce, or in soups. They’re golf ball-sized or smaller, and have a higher ratio of bread than the dense meatballs we’re accustomed to. When immigrants from Southern Italy made lives in the New World, they found that meat was no longer a luxury item, but one they could put on the dinner table every night. Thus, larger meatballs, packed with a higher ratio of meat became the norm.

Pasta, like spaghetti, is certainly Italian, but it’s typically served in smaller portions as an appetizer course, not as part of the main meal. There are two prevailing theories as to how the marriage of spaghetti and meatballs came to be. The first says that Italian restaurateurs, seeking to please the American appetite for starch with entrees, paired spaghetti with meatballs in lieu of the typical potatoes found on American dinner plates. The other theory is that Italian immigrants had few true Italian foods to choose from in American markets, and spaghetti enjoyed a promotion to entree status.

Mozzarella sticks
You may have thought TGI Friday’s invented those perfectly fried sticks of cheesy wonder, but it turns out fried sticks of cheese enjoy much more of a culinary history … just not from Italy.

The first mention of fried sticks of cheese dates to a French cookbook from 1393 called Le Menagier de Paris. While the recipe calls for Muenster cheese instead of mozzarella, it’s fair to say this was the dawn of folks clamoring to get their cheese stick on. While there’s no definitive record of the recipe being changed to mozzarella, we can all be thankful that some enterprising, snack food genius thought to make the switch.

If you do find yourself in Italy, and are hankering for a mozzarella stick, try mozzarella en Carrozza instead. This Roman snack is a fried sandwich of mozzarella cheese, and sometimes anchovy.

Shrimp scampi
Shrimp scampi could always be found at my grandmother’s Italian-American kitchen… at least her version of it. Shrimp were coated in breadcrumbs and fresh herbs, then sauteed in butter, olive oil, and garlic. They were deposited in a family-sized bowl where we would retrieve them with a spoon and eat them off torn pieces of Italian bread. At the neighbor’s house, shrimp scampi may have been unbreaded, cooked with lemon and white wine, and served over pasta. At still another neighbor’s house, tomatoes may have been added to the mix. Which recipe is correct? All of them. And while you may be able to get something similar in Italy, they won’t be calling it shrimp scampi.

According to Lidia Bastianich, scampi is actually a crustacean, very similar to lobster, also sometimes called a langoustine. Italian immigrants utilized the abundant shrimp found in America, and prepared it the classic way langoustines were prepared in Italy, so the dish should more accurately be called “shrimp cooked scampi style.” While the most classic Italian recipe would call for nothing more than olive oil, garlic, onion, and white wine, American families and restaurant chefs have adapted the recipe over the years, making it uniquely Italian-American.

Italian dressing
If you order a salad with your meal in an Italian restaurant, you will be given one dressing and one dressing only — olive oil and vinegar, or “olio e aceto.” And as far as Italians are concerned, that is Italian dressing. Ask for anything else to dress your salad, and you may as well mark a giant “T” on your forehead for “Turista.”

Then what about Caesar salad? Surely that’s an Italian invention, right? Not even close! Would you believe it’s Mexican? It’s true. Restaurant owner Caesar Cardini introduced the salad at his establishment in Tijuana, though his brother, Alex, takes credit for adding anchovies to the creamy mix. The salad grew popular all over the world, with the International Society of Epicure declaring it “the greatest recipe to originate from the Americas in 50 years” in 1953.

The Surprising Origin Of Pepperoni Pizza


252 millions of pepperoni is consumed yearly on pizza that is one heck of a lot of pepperoni eaten.

Close your eyes and envision the iconic slice of pizza. Chances are it’s got pepperoni on it. According to a 2019 poll conducted by YouGov, this spicy seasoned salami is the most popular pizza topping in America. Annually, our love for pepperoni pizza accounts for around 252 million (yes, million) pounds of pepperoni consumed in a sea of tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese (via Your Guide to Pizza). Pepperoni pizza, it turns out, is rooted in American culture (via Thrillist).

American pizza, of course, is a descendent of the Italian pie. Immigrants from Naples brought the now ubiquitous food custom overseas, serving up slices in cities famous for their pizzerias, including New Haven and Chicago (via History). Pepperoni, on the other hand, is a New World addition. Food writer and historian John Mariani called pepperoni “purely an Italian-American creation, like chicken Parmesan” (via The New York Times). In fact, the Italian word “peperoni” refers to large bell peppers and not a cured salami. The original flatbreads in Naples were topped with tomatoes, cheese, oil, anchovies, and garlic.

Pepperoni pizza was born in America
Shannon O’hara/Getty Images
The air-dried spicy salami known as pepperoni first appeared in Italian-American markets following World War I but didn’t make its debut as a pizza topping until much later. Photographic evidence of a wall menu at a New Haven pizzeria called The Spot points to the 1950s. By contrast, in the 1930s, sausage, bacon, and other types of salami had been the typical toppings. Pizza scholar and author of New Haven Apizza Colin Caplin suspects that pepperoni first appeared on restaurant menus as part of a cured meat appetizer. Caplin told Thrillist, “That’s how a lot of toppings made it onto pizza in the first place: people experimenting.”

Why pepperoni stayed on menus is a whole different story. The trajectory of pepperoni as America’s favorite pizza topping follows the same timeline as pizza’s rising popularity as fast food. When pizza chains Pizza Hut and Domino’s opened their ovens in the 1960s, they were looking for toppings that were inexpensive and traveled well, according to Caplin. He said pizza chains “would have found products that could be mass-produced.” Pepperoni fit the bill, and the rest is history.


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